Chat Apps


We can send flag or segment change events from FeatBit into your Slack channels by using the Slack Sending Messages Api (opens in a new tab).


  1. Set up a Slack App (opens in a new tab)
  2. Create a FeatBit Webhook


Here is an example of what the message will look like in your Slack channel.

Message Template

You can use the following webhook payload template to send a message to your Slack channel. Be sure to replace YOUR_CHANNEL_ID with the id of the channel you want to send the message to.

               "text":"*{{#eq data.kind "feature flag"}}Feature flag{{/eq}}{{#eq data.kind "segment"}}Segment{{/eq}}:*\n{{}}"
               "text":"*Happened At:*\n{{happenedAt}}"
               "text":"*Changes:*\n{{#each changes}}{{this}}{{#unless @last}}\n{{/unless}}{{/each}}"