Evaluation with REST APIs

Retrieve feature flags with API

The Evaluation Server offers two APIs that allow you to retrieve feature flags for both client-side and server-side sdks, specific to the desired environment.

The differences between client side and server side SDKs are:

  • Client side SDK is for single user but Server side SDK is for multiple users
  • Client side SDK relies on the Evaluation Server to evaluate all the flags while Server side SDK evaluates the flags locally

Please note that you need to replace {Host} in the API requests with the appropriate host URL for your environment. {Host} can be the evaluation server host or the FeatBit Agent host, both of them provides the same API.

Client Side

For client-side requests, provide the client environment secret in the Authorization header.


curl -X POST {Host}/api/public/sdk/client/latest-all \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: client-env-secret' \
-d '{
    "keyId": "bot-id",
    "name": "bot",
    "customizedProperties": [
            "name": "level",
            "value": "high"
            "name": "localtion",
            "value": "us"


            "matchReason":"flag disabled",

Server Side

For server-side requests, provide the server environment secret in the Authorization header.


curl -H "Authorization: server-env-secret" {Host}/api/public/sdk/server/latest-all


            "name":"hello world",
            "name":"beta users",
            "description":"this is a segment for beta users",