


This topic explains how to create and use webhooks in FeatBit. FeatBit's webhooks allow you to build your own integrations that subscribe to flag/segment changes in FeatBit. When a feature flag or a segment is updated, FeatBit sends an HTTP POST request to the webhook's configured URL.

Each webhook request has a timeout limit of 10 seconds. If the request failed, such as a disruption in the connection or the receiving server being unavailable, FeatBit will attempt to resend the request up to 3 times, with a delay of 2 seconds between each retry. This ensures that temporary issues do not result in missed updates.

Webhook Events

Webhook events are triggered when certain actions occur in FeatBit. These events can be related to feature flags or segments. Below is a list of all possible events:

Feature Flag Events

  • feature_flag.created: Triggered when a new feature flag is created.
  • feature_flag.toggled: Triggered when a feature flag is turned on or off.
  • feature_flag.archived: Triggered when a feature flag is archived.
  • feature_flag.restored: Triggered when a feature flag is restored from the archive.
  • feature_flag.variation_changed: Triggered when a variation of a feature flag is added, removed, updated, or its type is changed.
  • feature_flag.off_variation_changed: Triggered when the off variation of a feature flag is updated.
  • feature_flag.default_rule_changed: Triggered when the default rule variation or dispatch key of a feature flag is updated.
  • feature_flag.target_users_changed: Triggered when target users are added, removed, or set for a feature flag.
  • feature_flag.targeting_rules_changed: Triggered when a rule is added, removed, updated, or set for a feature flag.
  • feature_flag.basic_info_updated: Triggered when the name, description, or tags of a feature flag are updated.
  • feature_flag.deleted: Triggered when a feature flag is deleted.

Segment Events

  • segment.created: Triggered when a new segment is created.
  • segment.archived: Triggered when a segment is archived.
  • segment.restored: Triggered when a segment is restored from the archive.
  • segment.rules_changed: Triggered when a rule is added, removed, updated, or set for a segment.
  • segment.target_users_changed: Triggered when target users are added to or removed from the included or excluded list of a segment.
  • segment.basic_info_updated: Triggered when the name or description of a segment is updated.
  • segment.deleted: Triggered when a segment is deleted.

Each event corresponds to a specific action in FeatBit. By listening to these events, you can build integrations that react to changes in your feature flags or segments.

Creating a webhook

To create a webhook:

  1. Navigate to the Integrations/Webhooks page in the FeatBit dashboard.
  2. Click Add Webhook.
  3. Enter a human-readable Name for the webhook.
  4. Enter the URL that FeatBit should send the HTTP POST payload to.
  5. Select the Scopes(environments) that this webhook should monitor. The webhook will be triggered for events in any of the selected environments.
  6. Select the Events you would like to trigger this webhook.
  7. Optionally, you can add some custom Headers to the webhook request. Checkout "Delivery headers" for more information.
  8. Configure the Payload Template. This is a Handlebars template that will be used to generate the payload sent to the webhook URL. Checkout "Payload template" for more information.
  9. Optionally, enter a secret. If you enter a secret, FeatBit will send the secret in the X-FeatBit-Signature-256 header of the webhook payload. Checkout "Validating webhook deliveries" for more information.
  10. Set the webhook Active status.
  11. Optionally, you can perform a Live Debug before saving the webhook. This will send a test payload to the webhook URL and show the request/response details. Checkout "Live Debug" for more information.
  12. Click Save.

Delivery headers

HTTP POST payloads that are delivered to your webhook's configured URL endpoint will contain several built-in headers:

  • X-FeatBit-Delivery: A globally unique identifier (GUID) to identify the delivery.
  • X-FeatBit-Event: The name of the event(s) that triggered the delivery.
  • X-FeatBit-Hook-ID: The unique identifier of the webhook.
  • X-FeatBit-Signature-256: This header is sent if the webhook is configured with a secret. This is the HMAC hex digest of the request body, and is generated using the SHA-256 hash function and the secret as the HMAC key. For more information, see "Validating webhook deliveries".

Besides the built-in headers, you can also add custom headers to the webhook request. This can be useful if you want to add some authentication headers to the request.

Payload template

We can build a custom payload for the webhook request using a Handlebars template (opens in a new tab). Here is the default payload template:

  "event": "{{events}}",
  "operator": "{{operator}}",
  "happenedAt": "{{happenedAt}}",
  "changes": {{json changes}},
  "organization": {
    "id": "{{}}",
    "name": "{{}}"
  "project": {
    "id": "{{}}",
    "name": "{{}}"
  "environment": {
    "id": "{{}}",
    "name": "{{}}"
  "data": {
    "kind": "{{data.kind}}",
    "object": {
      "id": "{{}}",
      "name": "{{}}",
      "description": "{{data.object.description}}",
{{#eq data.kind "feature flag"}}
      "key": "{{data.object.key}}",
      "variationType": "{{data.object.variationType}}",
      "variations": {{json data.object.variations}},
      "targetUsers": {{json data.object.targetUsers}},
      "rules": {{json data.object.rules}},
      "isEnabled": {{data.object.isEnabled}},
      "disabledVariationId": "{{data.object.disabledVariationId}}",
      "fallthrough": {{json data.object.fallthrough}},
      "exptIncludeAllTargets": {{data.object.exptIncludeAllTargets}},
      "tags": {{json data.object.tags}},
{{#eq data.kind "segment"}}
      "included": {{json data.object.included}},
      "excluded": {{json data.object.excluded}},
      "rules": {{json data.object.rules}},
      "flagReferences": {{json data.object.flagReferences}},
      "isArchived": {{data.object.isArchived}}

Available variables

eventsThe event(s) that triggered the webhook.
Example: "feature_flag.toggled" or "segment.target_users_changed"
operatorThe operator who performed the action that triggered the webhook.
Example: "tester"
happenedAtThe time when the action that triggered the webhook occurred.
Example: "2023-12-24T19:04:01.6699268Z"
changesAn array of strings detailing the changes that were made.
Example: ["Turn off flag: test"] or ["Update rule: Rule 1", "Update rule: Rule 2"]
organization.idThe ID of the organization.
Example: "2c3f7175-60b0-4d4d-9205-772f118cc719"
organization.nameThe name of the organization.
Example: "My Organization"
project.idThe ID of the project.
Example: "71d204b5-f4c1-4cda-9621-b0000003f220"
project.nameThe name of the project.
Example: "WebApp"
environment.idThe ID of the environment.
Example: "3cd33e9e-2ee9-472f-95e0-0e3e82938885"
environment.nameThe name of the environment.
Example: "Prod"
data.kindThe type of data being processed (either "feature flag" or "segment").
Example: "feature flag" or "segment"
data.object.*The properties of the object being processed. This could be a feature flag or a segment, depending on data.kind.

Handlebars Helpers

Besides the built-in helpers (opens in a new tab), we also provide some custom helpers to make it easier to build the payload template.


The eq helper is used to compare two values. It returns the block if the two values are equal, and the inverse block otherwise.

Handlebars.registerHelper('eq', function (a, b, options) {
  return a === b ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);

Example: Render the block if the value equals a

{{#eq value "a"}}


The json helper is used to convert an object to JSON string. It is useful when you want to include an object in the payload template.

Handlebars.registerHelper('json', function (obj) {
  // disable HTML-escaping of return values
  // ref:
  return new Handlebars.SafeString(JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2));

Example: Show the JSON string of an object

{{json theObject}}

You can test these helpers online (opens in a new tab).

Example Templates

Live Debug

The Webhook Live Debug functionality allows you to perform real-time testing of your webhooks by sending a test payload to the webhook URL. This feature is useful during webhook setup or for routine checks to ensure your integrations are working as expected.

To perform a Live Debug:

  • While creating/editing a webhook, click the Live debug webhook configuration button at the bottom of the drawer. Note that this button is enabled only if the form is valid.
  • For an existing webhook, click the Live Debug button in the Actions column.

Select an event and click Send test webhook, the system will send a test payload (based on your payload template) to the webhook URL. You will then be presented with request/response details.

Request details

Response details

Validating webhook deliveries

Once your server is configured to receive payloads, it will listen for any delivery that's sent to the endpoint you configured. To ensure that your server only processes webhook deliveries that were sent by FeatBit and to ensure that the delivery was not tampered with, you should validate the webhook signature before processing the delivery further. This will help you avoid spending server time to process deliveries that are not from FeatBit and will help avoid man-in-the-middle attacks.

To do this, you need to

  1. Provide a secret while creating the webhook. Note that you should securely store this secret.
  2. In your code that handles webhook deliveries, you should compute an HMAC with the SHA256 hash function. Use your secret as the key, and use the payload contents as the message.
  3. Compare the signature that FeatBit sent (the value of the X-FeatBit-Signature-256 header) with the signature that you computed, and ensure that they match.

There are a few important things to keep in mind when validating webhook payloads:

  • FeatBit uses an HMAC hex digest to compute the hash.
  • The hash signature always starts with sha256=.
  • The hash signature is generated using your webhook's secret token and the payload contents.
  • If your language and server implementation specifies a character encoding, ensure that you handle the payload as UTF-8. Webhook payloads can contain unicode characters.

Testing the webhook payload validation

You can use the following secret and payload values to verify that your implementation is correct:

  • secret: "It's a Secret to Everybody"
  • payload: "Hello, World!"

If your implementation is correct, the signatures that you generate should match the following signature values:

  • signature: 757107ea0eb2509fc211221cce984b8a37570b6d7586c22c46f4379c8b043e17
  • X-FeatBit-Signature-256: sha256=757107ea0eb2509fc211221cce984b8a37570b6d7586c22c46f4379c8b043e17

Best practices

Respond within 10 seconds

Your server should respond with a 2XX response within 10 seconds of receiving a webhook delivery. If your server takes longer than that to respond, then FeatBit terminates the connection and considers the delivery a failure.

To respond in a timely manner, you may want to set up a queue to process webhook payloads asynchronously. Your server can respond when it receives the webhook, and then process the payload in the background without blocking future webhook deliveries.

Only listen to event types your integration requires

Configure your webhook endpoints to receive only the types of events required by your integration. Listening for extra events (or all events) puts undue strain on your server and we don’t recommend it.

Use a webhook secret

You should set a webhook secret for your webhook and verify that the signature of each webhook delivery matches the secret. This helps to ensure that the webhook delivery is from FeatBit. For more information, see "Validating webhook deliveries".

The webhook secret should be a random string of text with high entropy. You should securely store your webhook secret in a way that your server can access.

Use the X-FeatBit-Delivery header

In a replay attack, a bad actor intercepts a webhook delivery and re-sends the delivery. To protect against replay attacks, you can use the X-FeatBit-Delivery header to ensure that each delivery is unique.

If we're doing a redelivery, the X-FeatBit-Delivery header will be the same as in the original delivery.