Getting Started
1. Create a feature flag

Create a Feature Flag


Feature flags, also known as feature toggles, allow developers to enable or disable certain features in their applications dynamically. This guide will walk you through the process of creating and managing feature flags for the Dino Game demo using FeatBit.


Before proceeding, ensure the following:

  1. You have successfully logged in to the FeatBit Cloud (opens in a new tab).
  2. Alternatively, you have installed FeatBit via Docker Installation.

Initialize Environment

If this is your initial login, follow the steps below to specify your organization and project name.

Initialize Organization page

Once completed, click the Get Started button to proceed.

Onboarding dialog

Create a feature flag

Create a new feature flag named "game runner" and click Next.


This guide demonstrates creating a boolean feature flag for simplicity. For different data types, refer to our Create a multi-variant feature flag guide.

Connect An SDK

The second step provides starter code to integrate FeatBit into your app and demonstrates basic usages of the SDK. The image below shows the JavaScript starter code. For a list of supported SDKs, please check out the SDK Overview page.

Verify SDK Connection

You can verify the connection between your application and FeatBit in the third step of "Get Started" by running the starter code provided in the second step. The image below shows the testing result of the feature flag "game runner".

Next Steps

In the following chapter, you will learn how to interact with the Dino Game demo.