Tech Stack
Standard Vs. Professional

Standard VS. Professional

Previously, it was a bit difficult to deploy FeatBit as it has too many dependencies. Many of them are not necessary for small businesses. So we introduced a lite version by removing the dependencies to ClickHouse, Kafka. We made the lite version as the default standard version and renamed the full version to FeatBit Professional.

  • The standard version is ideal for small businesses, while the Professional version is ideal for medium and large businesses.
  • Both the Standard and Professional versions are scalable and fast, and have identical features.
  • The Standard version is a more lightweight option that only relies on Redis and MongoDB.
  • The Professional version is heavier and depends on Redis, MongoDB, Kafka, and ClickHouse.
  • Redis is the message queue of choice for the Standard version, while Kafka is used in the Professional version.
  • MongoDB is the data analytics tool of choice for the Standard version, while ClickHouse is used in the Professional version.